“In November 1982, a maverick group of football players, led by Billy Joe DuPree and Spencer Kopf, enacted their version of the Statue of Liberty Play — they fooled them all . . . They saved the game then, and we can save it again by following The Unbroken Line’s example now.”
— Mike Ditka, Hall of Fame Player & Coach, from his Foreword

The Unbroken Line is the riveting story of how truly heartless the business of professional football was and is — from the poor pension plans and inadequate medical benefits to the greed of union leadership which the authors argue takes advantage of and turns its back on the very individuals who make the game great. At no time in the annals of sports has the timing of a book been more important. 

“For those who do not know Retired Judge Spencer Kopf, let me give you a personal description of my friend: Loyal, Brilliant, Unyielding, Beloved …did I say Brilliant? It was Spencer Kopf who brought the NFL and the NFLPA to their knees in 1982 with a legal strategy that was brilliant. To find out what it was, read the book The Unbroken Line. We need to follow the brilliance of this man.”
— Tony Davis, Cincinnati Bengals & Tampa Bay Buccaneers 1976 – 1982

This unique story provides a fascinating inside look at how a group of players and one attorney strategically outwitted the NFL and the Players' Union leadership to score an historic and crucial victory for players' rights. The year was 1982, a few courageous men stood up to their powerful administrative adversaries when no one else would during the most turbulent time in the history of professional football. What was at stake then and now again in 2010 is the players' ability to earn salaries and benefits that are in line with their contributions to their teams.

“Mr. Kopf, I read your book, have recommended it to many to read and have been extremely impressed with your work. I wish I’d had you as my representative when I played. Would you consider representing us, the retired players? We need leadership such as yours because they will listen to you. You’ve already beaten them once before.”
— Dan Pastorini, Houston Oilers, Los Angeles Rams, Oakland Raiders, and Philadelphia Eagles, 1971 – 1984